While cleaning out my old room, I found these treasured illustrations, which "hold the mirror up to nature," as Shakespeare says.
My Mommy is Going to Get a New Job Because She Wants to Get Home Earlier
The presence of multiple suns in this first work, heightens the deranged other-worldliness of the state of the artist. The car in this work is literally a bubble, encapsulating Mommy's (and the artist's) tears. Later works would not feel the compulsion to use such moralizing titles. ~ 1984, Crayola on Marble
Filbert is Just abut to Pick a Flower
Full of the purity of an artist's first inspiration, this picture captures the sun at its brightest and the perspective of life at its gayest. ~ November 9, 1984, Crayola on Marble
Bird in Purple with Sun
What at first seems to be the artist making a feckless monochromatic choice, is actually an expression of the ennui of imitating life. Why can't the sun be purple? Why can't birds? Grass? What is that thing pecking at? ~ 1985, Crayola on Marble
A Happy Feeling
At this stage, the titles take a turn for the ironic. Notice the subtle, mud-colored sun casting a shadowy haze on the scene signifying the ephemerality of childhood (and all) happiness. ~1/10/86, Crayola on Marble
Noise is very loud. Sometimes it can make people deph.
Noise anoises people too.
Noise is good and noise is bad.
Noise is good because if there was no noise there would be no ear to hear with.
~ May 1985
Once there lived a old man named Fulls Cotler but he was rich and wellthey and he looked yung. He was handsome, too. But at midnight he would turn into a wolf and eat children. But on Friday, December, 8 he died from a vampire bite. But the vampire was kind and he was 100 years old. And his wife was 99 years old. She hated him alot.
~ May 1985
I wish I had a million dolers so I could spend it.
I would by the right thing.
And I would by 2 pecies of candy. One for my brother and one for me. and 16 toys to play with.
It would be nice to have a million dolers.
I would by presents for mom and dad. and I would by a pickcher.
~ March 1985
It is a Windy Day
I got so mad when my brother pulled my hair and pinched me to.
I got mad so I did the same back.
I got mad because it hert.
And I got mad when he swang the book at me.
~March 7, 1985
I'm going to say mom I cout a moth in school and I gave it to someone
~ April 1985
It is a Sunny Day #1
Yesterday we went to the talent show. The talent show was good because people were singing and daceing. It would be better if there was magic too.
But I still liked it all.
But I didn't like one song. But I forget what song it is.
~May 22, 1985
It is a Sunny Day #2
Once upon a time there was an old lady and she shouted you can kill me if you want go on chop off my head! "she said." She layed down and held her breth. She had too dye because she was one hundread years old. And she was kind too people. She didn't know how too do anything.
~ May 23, 1985
If I were a turkey and new Thanksgiving was coming I woul hide because people would shoot me. I hope nobody finds me or I'll be rosting. I'm sorry other turkeys got eaten. My mother wold be crying. I would be sad too. I'm glad I'm not gone.
~ 11/8/85
A Happy Feeling
When I am happy I smile and my eyes twinkle.
When I'm happy I hug somone and skip, and laugh.
Then I say whee, hooray.
~ 1/10/86
Angry Feeling
When I'm angry I feel like biting something or braking and kicking and throwing something.
Then I wish I was a crab so I could pinch people. Then I make my eyebrows go down.
Then I feel like throwing someone.
~January 15, 1986
My Face
My face can sneeze and caugh and look
My face can see whats ahead of me
It can look at the stars at night
My mouth can talk to you
My face can smell a pie
Finally it can nod
~ 4/23/86
I saw a silly being. It did not look like an earth person. What could it be? Was it an animal? Was it a bird? It had a very funny shape.
What a CRAZY creature. I hope it doesn't hurt me. maybe it will go away. I sure hope so. I will say magic words to it. Then maybe it will be nic to me. We might even become best friends.
Southern Comfert
My room has a white, gold nightstand with a
radioclock on it. nightstand has walkytalkytelephones on it. Next to it
is my bed it's single and pink. My pillow is white and fluffy. My
headboard is also white and gold. The carpet in my room is beige. I also
have a small, black chalkboard.
Don't let the minimalism of this later drawing upstage the genius of its detail. It is best appreciated in two steps: 1) absorb the innocence of the free verse and the colors. 2) have a whiskey and visit this work again. ~ 1/14/86, Crayola on Marble
Sick #1
The day before yesterday my brother got sick and today he didn't go to school this morning he woke up at 7:30 am and I said, "Michael, if you woke up this late and you were going to school, you'd be very late." Then he thought he was going to school and he said am I going to school?
~ 1987
Shut Up
Steven is a stupid rat because he made me say the s.u. word so now I have to minus two cents from my check book.
I hope he gets kicked out of G.T. Language Arts. He said "I looked like an enoli."
So I told him to s.u. Well it started like this,
I came to GT, telling every one there was a castee in the fish tank because I was the first one there. Then they showed me the enoli and the grasshopper. Then I sat down to do my journal. (I wasn't going to write this until he called me a enoli then I told him to s.u. Then miss Kunihisa minused two cents from my check book. (Steven laughed.) I think he just did it to get me in trouble. I used to hate him but now I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, and hate, him.
P.S. I felt like I was going to cry because it was the first time I subtracted 2 cents for saying the s.u. word.
~ 1987
Second Grade Socialism
Our teacher is very, very, very strict because she said we had to read a hundred page book to do our book report. She is also strict because she gave us these words: Washington, president, White House, Reagan, Congress, Democrat, Republican, military defence, United States
~ 1987
Sick #2
Yesterday and the day before I was sick. I could have gone to school yesterday but, my grandma said that I could stay home if I wanted to stay home.
Yesterday even though I was sick, I got to paint wood (big kind) and my grandma didn't know. The only reason was my grandpa was painting wood out back and I snuck out the sliding back door and my grandpa said I could help him paint. But when my grandma found out I got in trouble because I was supposed to get better by not going outside.
When I was painting the wood, I painted it wrong. Then my grandpa taught me the right way.
~ March 1987
From Now On
Yesterday Kristy, Scott W., William, and I were doing our work the same place as I am doing journal and I am doing journal in back of the book shelf in reading class.
Yesterday while we were doing our work here, we saw a Blak Widdow. Well at least we thought we saw one. We had a fun time behind the book shelf in reading class.
So thats why I am going to have this as my seat for reading class.
Well it all started by me being sick and they changed seats while I was absent so then I had no seat, so in the morning when I came back to school we had a black out and some students were on the floor so I decided to go on the floor then I became attached to it so I'm going to stay there from now on.
~ March 5, 1987
Moth #2
Yesterday I went on a hike to the top of Diamond Head and it was 0.7 miles. We had to climb 99 stairs.
Once we went into a cave. We were supposed to bring a flashlight but we forgot. So we had to walk in total darkness. It was scary because I thought there was a giant moth in the cave. We also went in bunkers and we had to climb up the stairs in darkness. Then the cave before that, that was the darkest one.
We ate our lunch there But we packed to much so we had leftovers.
~ 1987
The Strange Thing
last july ther was this movie on preview and it was called "Clue" and we ordered it but I thought it would be yucky so I watched it anyway and it was good. that was only version 1 for the first part of the month. Now in the 2nd part of the month was Clue version 2. Now the strange thing about it was that for clue version 1 and 2, we paid to wach both of them, but only once. Now they strange thing was that we did not pay any thing for the others, but we go it anyway with out paying so I wached it any time it came on. It was the same with other preview movies. We got them free too.
~ 1987